Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, granting a Specific Use Permit in a Retail Seawall Development Zone, Zone 2, Height and Density Development Zone, Zone 3 (R-SDZ-2-HDDZ-3) Zoning District, in conjunction with an "Amusement, Commercial (outdoor)" land use regarding the operation of a surrey rental business; property is located at 3228 Seawall Boulevard and is legally described as "The west 14.17 feet of Lot 12, Lots 13 and 14 and south part of Lots 1 thru 3 and adjacent alley, north west block 163, Galveston Outlots, in the City and County of Galveston, Texas" and making findings related to the subject. (Planning Case 1 IP-12)
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, granting a Specific Use Permit in a Retail Seawall Development Zone, Zone 2, Height and Density Development Zone, Zone 3 (R-SDZ-2-HDDZ-3) Zoning District, in conjunction with an "Amusement, Commercial (outdoor)" land use regarding the operation of a surrey rental business; property is located at 3228 Seawall Boulevard and is legally described as "The west 14.17 feet of Lot 12, Lots 13 and 14 and south part of Lots 1 thru 3 and adjacent alley, north west block 163, Galveston Outlots, in the City and County of Galveston, Texas" and making findings related to the subject. (Planning Case 1 IP-12)
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, granting a Specific Use Permit in order to operate a "Tavern" in a Central Plaza with Historic overlay (CP-H) Zoning district at 2411 Avenue B/Strand, Suite A; property is legally described as "Lots 4 and 5, Block 624, in the City and County of Galveston, Texas"; making various findings and provisions related to the subject. (Planning Case 11P-21).
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, granting a Specific Use Permit for "Amusement, Commercial (Outdoor)" in a Retail, Seawall Development Zone 4, Height and Density Development Zone 5 (R-SDZ-4-FIDDZ-5) zoning district; property is commonly known as 6602 Seawall Boulevard and is legally described as part of Lots 89, 90 and Abandoned Road (89-1), Trimble and Lindsey Survey, Section 1 and part of Lot 1, Moseley Addition, a Subdivision in the City and County of Galveston, Texas; (Planning Case Number 11P-20).
PUBLIC COMMENT The public shall be allowed to address one or more agenda or non-agenda items. Each person shall be limited to three (3) minutes, regardless of the number of items addressed.
PUBLIC COMMENT The public shall be allowed to address one or more agenda or non-agenda items. Each person shall be limited to three (3) minutes, regardless of the number of items addressed.
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Galveston, Texas, ordering and calling a Special Election to be held in the City on May 14, 2011, to determine whether the City should have the authority to charge a fee for parking a motor vehicle on Seawall Boulevard in the amount of $1.00 per hour not to exceed $8.00 per day, or an annual permit not to exceed $25.00, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. daily, which shall be collected by pay stations or annual permits issued at City Hall, the Park Board, or other designated locations, and such Seawall Parking Funds shall be restricted to the following: 75% for funding Seawall enhancements, including but not limited to lighting, bathrooms, showers, and litter control, which shall be funded through debt service or maintenance and operations; 15% being held in reserve for the replacement of capital improvements; and no more than 10% for administrative costs, all in accordance with a neighborhood parking and security plan and state law provisions governing the expenditure of beach user fees; and such authorization shall expire seven years from the date the fees are first collected unless otherwise renewed or amended by a majority of qualified voters; authorizing the City Manager to execute an Election Services Agreement with Galveston County to hold and conduct this election; designating the polling places; designating hours for voting; providing for publication of notice of the election; providing bilingual election requirements; and containing other provisions related thereto.
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Galveston, Texas amending "The Code of the City of Galveston 1982, as amended", Section 2-139, "Order of Business" by establishing separate agenda items for public comment relating to agenda and non-agenda requests to address Council; creating a new agenda subsection entitled "consent items" that will govern routine or ministerial matters; providing for miscellaneous amendments to the Section.
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, amending the Code of the City of Galveston 1982, as amended, chapter 24, "Miscellaneous offenses", by providing for new regulations relating to noise within the City; deleting and reserving sections 24-3, 24-5 and 24-14; adding sections 24-20 through 24-28; making various findings and provisions related to the subject and providing for a penalty.
Discuss and consider giving the City Manager direction concerning development of a Specific Use Permit and/or an Ordinance to address the construction and operation of a Container facility on Pelican Island.
Consider for approval authorization/ratification of the Industrial Development Corporation annual budget for the F/Y 2010-2011.
Discuss and consider for action relocation expenses for recipients for Hurricane Ike Recovery.
Receive the Rosenberg Library audited financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2010 and the operating budget summary for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011.
Discuss and consider for action request for extension of Completion Date on Development and Facilities Agreement for Downtown Bus Terminal and Ground Lease.
Consider for approval the acceptance of the donation of $10,396.26 from clean Galveston to reimburse Island Transit for the purchase of new litter receptacles which were installed at Island Transit Bus Stops. The new trash receptacles are part of the "Clean Galveston" goal.
Consider for approval of most responsive proposal (RFP#10-11-006) for the Rehabilitation of 48 Owner Occupied Housing Units in a base bid amount of $2,983,725.28 from Consolidated Concepts, Inc. funding is provided under the CDBG Disaster Recovery Housing Program.
Discuss and consider giving staff direction regarding recently filed gaming bills before state Legislature.
Discuss and consider for action giving staff direction to investigate options to merge functions of City of Galveston and Park Board of Trustees.
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, granting a Specific Use Permit in a Retail Seawall Development Zone, Zone 2, Height and Density Development Zone, Zone 3 (R-SDZ-2-HDDZ-3) Zoning District, in conjunction with an "Amusement, Commercial (outdoor)" land use regarding the operation of a surrey rental business; property is located at 3228 Seawall Boulevard and is legally described as "The west 14.17 feet of Lot 12, Lots 13 and 14 and south part of Lots 1 thru 3 and adjacent alley, north west block 163, Galveston Outlots, in the City and County of Galveston, Texas" and making findings related to the subject. (Planning Case 1 IP-12)
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, granting a Specific Use Permit in a Retail Seawall Development Zone, Zone 2, Height and Density Development Zone, Zone 3 (R-SDZ-2-HDDZ-3) Zoning District, in conjunction with an "Amusement, Commercial (outdoor)" land use regarding the operation of a surrey rental business; property is located at 3228 Seawall Boulevard and is legally described as "The west 14.17 feet of Lot 12, Lots 13 and 14 and south part of Lots 1 thru 3 and adjacent alley, north west block 163, Galveston Outlots, in the City and County of Galveston, Texas" and making findings related to the subject. (Planning Case 1 IP-12)
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, granting a Specific Use Permit in order to operate a "Tavern" in a Central Plaza with Historic overlay (CP-H) Zoning district at 2411 Avenue B/Strand, Suite A; property is legally described as "Lots 4 and 5, Block 624, in the City and County of Galveston, Texas"; making various findings and provisions related to the subject. (Planning Case 11P-21).
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, granting a Specific Use Permit for "Amusement, Commercial (Outdoor)" in a Retail, Seawall Development Zone 4, Height and Density Development Zone 5 (R-SDZ-4-FIDDZ-5) zoning district; property is commonly known as 6602 Seawall Boulevard and is legally described as part of Lots 89, 90 and Abandoned Road (89-1), Trimble and Lindsey Survey, Section 1 and part of Lot 1, Moseley Addition, a Subdivision in the City and County of Galveston, Texas; (Planning Case Number 11P-20).
PUBLIC COMMENT The public shall be allowed to address one or more agenda or non-agenda items. Each person shall be limited to three (3) minutes, regardless of the number of items addressed.
PUBLIC COMMENT The public shall be allowed to address one or more agenda or non-agenda items. Each person shall be limited to three (3) minutes, regardless of the number of items addressed.
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Galveston, Texas, ordering and calling a Special Election to be held in the City on May 14, 2011, to determine whether the City should have the authority to charge a fee for parking a motor vehicle on Seawall Boulevard in the amount of $1.00 per hour not to exceed $8.00 per day, or an annual permit not to exceed $25.00, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. daily, which shall be collected by pay stations or annual permits issued at City Hall, the Park Board, or other designated locations, and such Seawall Parking Funds shall be restricted to the following: 75% for funding Seawall enhancements, including but not limited to lighting, bathrooms, showers, and litter control, which shall be funded through debt service or maintenance and operations; 15% being held in reserve for the replacement of capital improvements; and no more than 10% for administrative costs, all in accordance with a neighborhood parking and security plan and state law provisions governing the expenditure of beach user fees; and such authorization shall expire seven years from the date the fees are first collected unless otherwise renewed or amended by a majority of qualified voters; authorizing the City Manager to execute an Election Services Agreement with Galveston County to hold and conduct this election; designating the polling places; designating hours for voting; providing for publication of notice of the election; providing bilingual election requirements; and containing other provisions related thereto.
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Galveston, Texas amending "The Code of the City of Galveston 1982, as amended", Section 2-139, "Order of Business" by establishing separate agenda items for public comment relating to agenda and non-agenda requests to address Council; creating a new agenda subsection entitled "consent items" that will govern routine or ministerial matters; providing for miscellaneous amendments to the Section.
Consider for approval an Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, amending the Code of the City of Galveston 1982, as amended, chapter 24, "Miscellaneous offenses", by providing for new regulations relating to noise within the City; deleting and reserving sections 24-3, 24-5 and 24-14; adding sections 24-20 through 24-28; making various findings and provisions related to the subject and providing for a penalty.
Discuss and consider giving the City Manager direction concerning development of a Specific Use Permit and/or an Ordinance to address the construction and operation of a Container facility on Pelican Island.
Consider for approval authorization/ratification of the Industrial Development Corporation annual budget for the F/Y 2010-2011.
Discuss and consider for action relocation expenses for recipients for Hurricane Ike Recovery.
Receive the Rosenberg Library audited financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2010 and the operating budget summary for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011.
Discuss and consider for action request for extension of Completion Date on Development and Facilities Agreement for Downtown Bus Terminal and Ground Lease.
Consider for approval the acceptance of the donation of $10,396.26 from clean Galveston to reimburse Island Transit for the purchase of new litter receptacles which were installed at Island Transit Bus Stops. The new trash receptacles are part of the "Clean Galveston" goal.
Consider for approval of most responsive proposal (RFP#10-11-006) for the Rehabilitation of 48 Owner Occupied Housing Units in a base bid amount of $2,983,725.28 from Consolidated Concepts, Inc. funding is provided under the CDBG Disaster Recovery Housing Program.
Discuss and consider giving staff direction regarding recently filed gaming bills before state Legislature.
Discuss and consider for action giving staff direction to investigate options to merge functions of City of Galveston and Park Board of Trustees.