Consider for approval ratification of a two-year fire collective bargaining contract between the International Firefighters Association Local 571 and the City of Galveston, effective October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2012.
Q. Discuss and consider for action authorizing GEDP and Houston Business Development, Inc. to administer and monitor up to $2.5 million in CDBG business grants to Galveston businesses. (Mayor) U. Discuss and receive update on CDBG economic development program. (Beeton/Greenberg)
Discuss the status of beachfront construction amendments regarding development setbacks, dune enhancement and site improvement standards discussed by City Council on August 12, 2010 (Ordinance no. 10-035 and No. 10-065).
Discuss and consider for action giving the City Manager direction concerning Seawall parking project.
After adjourning the City Council the council members reconvened the Workshop to discuss CDBG Reports and adjourn the Workshop.
Consider for approval ratification of a two-year fire collective bargaining contract between the International Firefighters Association Local 571 and the City of Galveston, effective October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2012.
Q. Discuss and consider for action authorizing GEDP and Houston Business Development, Inc. to administer and monitor up to $2.5 million in CDBG business grants to Galveston businesses. (Mayor) U. Discuss and receive update on CDBG economic development program. (Beeton/Greenberg)
Discuss the status of beachfront construction amendments regarding development setbacks, dune enhancement and site improvement standards discussed by City Council on August 12, 2010 (Ordinance no. 10-035 and No. 10-065).
Discuss and consider for action giving the City Manager direction concerning Seawall parking project.
After adjourning the City Council the council members reconvened the Workshop to discuss CDBG Reports and adjourn the Workshop.