PRESENTATIONS Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.415, the City Council may Report on any of the following items: 1. Expressions of thanks, gratitude and condolences 2. information regarding holiday schedules 3. recognition of individuals 4. reminders regarding City Council events a) Galveston Educationfest 2013 5. reminders regarding community events 6. health and safety announcements
Receive a presentation from the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool relating to the City's liability coverage for potential litigation with regards to the Fair Housing Act.
Consider for approval of the City of Galveston and the Port of Galveston Downtown Intermodal Transit and Parking Terminal Management and Operating Agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute all the necessary documents upon final approval of the City Attorney.
ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS Discuss and consider a Resolution in support of retaining and hatching here in Galveston those sea turtle eggs that are found on the upper Texas Coast. Beeton/Tarlton
F. Consider for approval of the lowest bidder, J.W. Kelso Company, Inc, (Bid#12-12-009), for the alternate bid of the reconstruction of the Galveston Police Department's 32nd Street property room, in the amount of $748,100.00. The funding source for this project is FEMA Hurricane Ike PW No. PD-123, EMMIE PW No. 13013. G. Consider for approval of the low responsive bidder (Bid#l1-13-017) Rismiller Construction Inc. for the construction of the Historic Building Front Preservation Project at 1921 Market in the amount of $79,500.00 and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents upon final approval by the City Attorney. The funding source as mandated in the approved project requirements is 75% CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant Non-Housing Program round 1 and 25% the owner of the approved site.
Consider for approval an expenditure of approximately $35,000 for temporary accounting assistance from Accountemps. Funding will be through CDBG Disaster Recovery Housing Program.
Consider for approval increasing City Council approved street materials (bid#l 1-12-043) purchases for the remainder of the fiscal year to individual department budgeted amounts for street materials. Funding source is the various departments' street materials/capital improvement accounts.
COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS Benita Henderson Claim #13-025 Reaud, Morgan & Quinn, L.L.P. Claim #13-026 Joel A. Gordon & Associates Claim #13-027
Receive a presentation from Mick McKamie related to sexually oriented businesses and consider for action retaining outside counsel to address the City's ordinance for sexually oriented businesses.
An Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, Abandoning an approximate 1,950 square feet of street right-a-way; adjacent property is commonly known as 11202 Reagor Way and legally described as lot 15, block 2, Sunny Beach, a subdivision in the City and County of Galveston, Texas; retaining rights of owners of public utility facilities; authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary deed in form and content approved by the City Attorney; Planning Case Number 13-P20; making various findings and provisions related to the subject. 10. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS
Discuss and consider for action amending the Interlocal Agreement(s) between the City and Park Board for the distribution of revenue generated from the Downtown metered parking to provide for a different source of funding. (Deferred from 3/14/13).
Discuss and consider for action authorizing the City Manager to engage a representative to challenge the results of the most recent Federal Census.
Consider for action approving a sewer line project in the un-serve area north of Interstate 45, which is proposed to be equally funded from the Economic Development and Public Infrastructure portions of the 4B Sales Tax Proceeds.
Consider for approval 2013 Community Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Consolidated Program Objectives and Program of Projects in the amount of $1,565,215 and authorize the City Manager to file a grant application with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and execute all necessary contracts, certifications, and documents for the programs upon final approval of the City Attorney.
Consider for action approving the replanting of trees in the Broadway Boulevard esplanade, which is proposed to be funded out of the Parks portion of the 4B Sales Tax proceeds.
MAYOR AND COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS A. Consider for action Mayor and Council Appointments to various City Boards, Committees and Commissions: 1. Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals
REPORTS ON COUNCIL, OFFICER BOARDS AND CITY MANAGER A. City Manager's Report a. Discuss and receive an update on state and federal legislative issues b. Discuss a Memorandum of Understanding with the Galveston Housing Authority c. Discuss the National Citizen's Survey custom questions.
PRESENTATIONS Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.415, the City Council may Report on any of the following items: 1. Expressions of thanks, gratitude and condolences 2. information regarding holiday schedules 3. recognition of individuals 4. reminders regarding City Council events a) Galveston Educationfest 2013 5. reminders regarding community events 6. health and safety announcements
Receive a presentation from the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool relating to the City's liability coverage for potential litigation with regards to the Fair Housing Act.
Consider for approval of the City of Galveston and the Port of Galveston Downtown Intermodal Transit and Parking Terminal Management and Operating Agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute all the necessary documents upon final approval of the City Attorney.
ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS Discuss and consider a Resolution in support of retaining and hatching here in Galveston those sea turtle eggs that are found on the upper Texas Coast. Beeton/Tarlton
F. Consider for approval of the lowest bidder, J.W. Kelso Company, Inc, (Bid#12-12-009), for the alternate bid of the reconstruction of the Galveston Police Department's 32nd Street property room, in the amount of $748,100.00. The funding source for this project is FEMA Hurricane Ike PW No. PD-123, EMMIE PW No. 13013. G. Consider for approval of the low responsive bidder (Bid#l1-13-017) Rismiller Construction Inc. for the construction of the Historic Building Front Preservation Project at 1921 Market in the amount of $79,500.00 and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents upon final approval by the City Attorney. The funding source as mandated in the approved project requirements is 75% CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant Non-Housing Program round 1 and 25% the owner of the approved site.
Consider for approval an expenditure of approximately $35,000 for temporary accounting assistance from Accountemps. Funding will be through CDBG Disaster Recovery Housing Program.
Consider for approval increasing City Council approved street materials (bid#l 1-12-043) purchases for the remainder of the fiscal year to individual department budgeted amounts for street materials. Funding source is the various departments' street materials/capital improvement accounts.
COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS Benita Henderson Claim #13-025 Reaud, Morgan & Quinn, L.L.P. Claim #13-026 Joel A. Gordon & Associates Claim #13-027
Receive a presentation from Mick McKamie related to sexually oriented businesses and consider for action retaining outside counsel to address the City's ordinance for sexually oriented businesses.
An Ordinance of the City of Galveston, Texas, Abandoning an approximate 1,950 square feet of street right-a-way; adjacent property is commonly known as 11202 Reagor Way and legally described as lot 15, block 2, Sunny Beach, a subdivision in the City and County of Galveston, Texas; retaining rights of owners of public utility facilities; authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary deed in form and content approved by the City Attorney; Planning Case Number 13-P20; making various findings and provisions related to the subject. 10. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS
Discuss and consider for action amending the Interlocal Agreement(s) between the City and Park Board for the distribution of revenue generated from the Downtown metered parking to provide for a different source of funding. (Deferred from 3/14/13).
Discuss and consider for action authorizing the City Manager to engage a representative to challenge the results of the most recent Federal Census.
Consider for action approving a sewer line project in the un-serve area north of Interstate 45, which is proposed to be equally funded from the Economic Development and Public Infrastructure portions of the 4B Sales Tax Proceeds.
Consider for approval 2013 Community Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Consolidated Program Objectives and Program of Projects in the amount of $1,565,215 and authorize the City Manager to file a grant application with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and execute all necessary contracts, certifications, and documents for the programs upon final approval of the City Attorney.
Consider for action approving the replanting of trees in the Broadway Boulevard esplanade, which is proposed to be funded out of the Parks portion of the 4B Sales Tax proceeds.
MAYOR AND COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS A. Consider for action Mayor and Council Appointments to various City Boards, Committees and Commissions: 1. Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals
REPORTS ON COUNCIL, OFFICER BOARDS AND CITY MANAGER A. City Manager's Report a. Discuss and receive an update on state and federal legislative issues b. Discuss a Memorandum of Understanding with the Galveston Housing Authority c. Discuss the National Citizen's Survey custom questions.